
Level up: New Admins And Moderator Structure!

Site Info Hey folks! It's me, Rhyselinn, your local head admin, here with some cool forum news!

First, the housekeeping: all of our mods have some new beefed up privileges that let them transfer topics into their specialized boards and deal with any spambots they might see. But their areas of focus haven't changed! If you ever wonder who to ask about a board-specific question, check the sidebar on the right to see who your friendly neighborhood mods are.

Second, it's my honor to announce that three of our super mods have been promoted to admins.

Boots has been a member of the site since 2011. A talented musician and creative visionary, he has worked in visible roles spearheading site events (Weezerfest, a certain ARG, and many a funfest) as well as on site policy and governance behind the scenes. He brings vivacity and joy to the community as well as sound counsel and judgment, and our community is livelier for his involvement.

broomweed has been a member of the site since 2012. A talented programmer and game developer, broomweed brought Porcotrade to life for last year's EBFGPS funfest, and she consistently offers sound judgment on moderating matters behind the scenes. In both moderating and event planning, broomweed has a talent for identifying problems before they become problems so they can be addressed, and our community runs much smoother because of her involvement.

LadyTe has been a member of the site since 2014. A talented writer, LadyTe has helped organize and run all kinds of site activities, from monthly riddles to funfests to Mafia games. Many of our site communications have benefited from her keen eye for clear communication and stray commas. She's a powerful voice for ensuring our community upholds our principles, and our community is kinder and more welcoming because of her influence.

I can't overstate the contributions these three folks have brought to the community, and I can't overstate my gratitude for their effort and passion. The magic of comes from the people in it, and I'm proud to work alongside our admins, our mods, and the community at large to keep the spirit of this wonderful community burning bright!
SITE INFO | READ COMMENTS (11) 2025.03.14 @ 21:38 CDT by Rhyselinn



Hear ye, hear ye! I come bearing news from the hinterlands!

Art by Sijbren Schenkels

I am extremely pleased to announce that starmen’s own HCchicken has successfully completed the time-honored 1/128 challenge! Reports of this exploit made a buzz in the community, and we were able to reach several community members for comment:

I haven't seen someone pull off a 1/128 challenge in quite some time! Very impressive! - Boots
Whoooooooooooooaaaa! - vid
You beat up the town bullies (and everything else!), punched them out big time, kicked their butts, bit their heads off, spit in their eyes, and made them wet their pants. Then you forced them to promise not to make any more trouble. Thank you! - The Mayor
wow - Head admin Rhyselinn

For the uninitiated, the 1/128 challenge consists of getting every single RARE ITEM in an unmodified copy of EarthBound. The challenge gets its namesake from the infamous fact that the drop rate for these items is… 0.7% per encounter; not for the faint of heart! There are 25 enemies that drop 1/128 items, which means that in order to join the ranks of the esteemed players who conquered this challenge, you must successfully hit the 0.7% odds 25 times over the course of your playthrough.

As evidenced in the discussion thread, HCchicken worked tirelessly through the night to successfully complete the challenge on March 4th, 2025 in just 22 days! I’m not sure we ever kept records for doing the challenge quickly, but this is quite the impressive feat of endurance! Please head on over to the thread to congratulate HCchicken on their accomplishment, and if you enjoyed this, don’t forget that some of these gameplay challenges were featured in the EBFGPS 2024 livestreams, so check them out if you want to see just what it takes to be a super player!
EVENTS | READ COMMENTS (2) 2025.03.05 @ 21:45 CST by Boots


You cannot grasp the true form of George Michael's attack!

It's December. We've given up on trying to keep him locked away, he is inevitable. It's up to us now, and I pray that we're ready. It's the fifth annual Starmen.Net WHAMAGEDDON!

If this is your first time, please take a moment to review the rules. If this is your second, third, or fourth time, please review the rules anyway, you don't want to be the person who eliminates themselves on a weird technicality.
EVENTS | READ COMMENTS (119) 2024.11.30 @ 16:48 CST by vid

Official Bluesky Account


We believe in skies forever blue... why shouldn't we believe the same in you?

Are you wanting to stay up to date with on social media that hasn't devolved into what Master Belch looks like after he quaffs buckets of fly honey? Then come check us out on Blue Sky!

Art by our very own Avery Memorable Username!

STARMEN.NET | READ COMMENTS (1) 2024.11.27 @ 13:39 CST by Rhyselinn

Nintendo Switch Profile Icons 2024!


EarthBound news??? In 2024??? It's more likely than you think...

All of us were tipped off to some exciting news today, shared by discord user Sup the Robo, who linked us to this GoNintendo article showcasing twenty EarthBound icons now available to select for your Nintendo Switch profile! These icons were originally made available earlier this year and had a limited release, but thankfully for us, it seems the big N has finally granted us some gamer clemency and re-launched the icon pack until December 8th, 2024! Each icon costs 10 Nintendo Platinum points, so hurry up and cash those in before the window is up!

Take a look below at a screenshot of the "Missions & Rewards" section on the Nintendo Online section. You can also click the image to get a higher quality version.

20 Earthbound themed icons for your Nintendo Switch account were made available.

Starting from the top right and reading right-to-left, Nintendo is letting you choose the following characters/items:

  • Mr. Saturn
  • Ness
  • Paula
  • Jeff
  • Poo
  • Pokey
  • Exit Mouse
  • Bubble Monkey
  • Ness on his bike
  • Unopened Present Box
  • Master Belch
  • Starman Junior
  • Frank Fly
  • Kraken
  • Mani Mani Statue
  • Ramblin' Evil Mushroom
  • Marauder Octobot
  • Runaway Dog
  • Dungeon Man (Brick Road)
  • Phase Distorter

Not bad choices! Let us know which ones you'd pick for your icon, and let's hope this is a sign that Nintendo hasn't completely forgotten about the franchise!

MERCHANDISE | READ COMMENTS (0) 2024.11.25 @ 19:19 CST by Boots



Finally... after all this time... The power is mine! Ahahaha!
STARMEN.NET | READ COMMENTS (0) 2024.11.22 @ 23:07 CST by broomweed

EarthBound Saga Ch. 5 - Released at Last!

Fan Videos An event over thirty years in the making...

A long time ago, two siblings set out to adapt the powerful story of EarthBound into a feature length film. When the first four chapters were unleashed onto the world, the fans had to know... when will Chapter 5 arrive?! Maybe you were lucky enough to catch an early cut at Camp Fangamer, PAX, or MAGFest... but it never escaped the walls of the theaters it was shown it.

Until now.

EarthBound Saga Chapter 5 Poster

Directed by Jazzy Benson of EarthBound U.S.A. fame, and starring the illustrious Robbie Benson of the Super Soul Bros, EarthBound Saga 5 is more than just a fan film, it's a work of art. Pop some popcorn, grab your favorite beverage, recap the first four chapters, and then settle in for a hilarious, terrifying, and messy good time!
FAN VIDEOS | READ COMMENTS (1) 2024.11.03 @ 1:18 CDT by vid

An Apology from Starmen.Net and GPP 16 - Cave of the Past w/ vid!

EBFGP Everyone, we must offer our sincerest apologies.

We have been allowing PorcBanc™ to use your creative output to power their Pays Distorter in exchange for sponsoring the EarthBound Funktastic Gameplay Summer. This has resulted in a link between Our World and Eagleland, which has been pretty neat! Unfortunately, the longer the Pays Distorter keeps the connection open, the more creative energy it requires to keep it stable.

Well, uh, long story short... we just couldn't keep up! The The PorcoTrade™ Technology Team has warned us that Our World is now experiencing a hostile merger, and that's going to be really bad for pretty much all matter in the universe. There's no way that we could have known that the amount of energy needed was unsustainable, and we never would have knowingly accepting the sponsorship if we knew it would result in the destruction of all things.

The good news is that the PorcoTrade™ Technology Team have told us that they're doing their best to prevent the merger, and that we should go ahead and finish up the game while we still can. I'm going to be hosting GPP 16 - Cave of the Past, and taking us to the end of the game, so be sure to tune in tonight on the Starman Club Twitch Channel at 6:00pm PT / 9:00pm ET!

The streams may be coming to an end, but you've still got until the end of August to get your submissions in for fabulous prizes! Check the EBFGPS2024 forum for more information!

We're so sorry about potentially bringing about the end of world, but we've definitely learned our lesson and it probably won't happen again.

EBFGP | READ COMMENTS (3) 2024.08.28 @ 6:33 CDT by vid

EBFGPS 2024 - GPP 15 - Magicant w/ BubblyOasis!

EBFGP The eight melodies have been gathered, and the EarthBound Funktastic Gameplay Summer moves inexorably towards its conclusion! BubblyOasis is diving deep within Mario's mind palace for GPP 15 - Magicant! Load those dice, watch out for bombs, and get ready to smash some statues! Well, the psychic representation of a statue that was a physical representation of evil, anyway! Tonight on the Starman Club Twitch Channel at 5:00pm PT / 8:00pm ET!

With only two Gameplay Points left, there's still time to get submissions in to show your love for EarthBound, the EFGPS, or just take a shot at some fabulous prizes!

PorcoTrade™ apologizes for the inconvenience caused by the poor connectivity in the Lost Underworld. They have assured us that all CrypticCurrency transactions are being honored, and nothing can possibly go wrong. Keep producing creative Content! Feed the machine! Increase engagement in the GPP 15 forum thread!

EBFGP | READ COMMENTS (3) 2024.08.23 @ 14:44 CDT by vid

EBFGPS 2024 - GPP 14 - Lost Underworld w/ Cyan683!

EBFGP Radio PSI's invasion of the EarthBound Funktastic Gameplay Summer continues! Cyan683, aka DJ Mon, is stepping out of the DJ booth and into the streamer chair for GPP 14 - Lost Underworld! Let's delve deep into the land of the dinosaurs, tonight on the Starman Club Twitch Channel at 4:30pm PT / 7:30pm ET!

Three Gameplay Points remaining! Let's get back in the game!

Our sponsors at PorcoTrade™ are still offering rewards for creative works in the form of CrypticCurrency, and it seems like they really, really want us to keep making stuff! Be sure to show off your efforts in the GPP 14 forum thread!

EBFGP | READ COMMENTS (0) 2024.08.20 @ 18:34 CDT by vid

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Latest Updates:

SITE INFO >:. ...> Level up: New Admins And Moderator Structure!
STARMEN.NET >:. ...> Official Bluesky Account
MERCHANDISE >:. ...> Nintendo Switch Profile Icons 2024!


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